It's just a biscuit made with cheddar cheese, but it is freaking fantastic. It's kind of like the cheese biscuits at Red Lobster, except with less garlic, a little more butter and I'd guess about 70 times more cheese. It looks like this:

This is because only franchises owned by Tands Inc. carry them.
The cheese biscuit is an eastern North Carolina delicacy, and pretty much unique to the region, at least in this part of the United States. I've had amazing cheese biscuits in gas stations and other quality establishments in several cities, and can tell you the Cheddar Bo is not the best cheese biscuit ever made, but it is consistent, available nearly 50 places and unstoppable.
A few weeks ago I was out with my fiancee, and we got to talking about what we'd like to name our children, should we be so blessed. I suggested that, if we have a boy, we name him "Cheddar Bo."
So ... yeah. Because Lucid Idiocy strives to provide utility, I contacted Bojangles' corporate office in Charlotte, then Tands Inc. in Kinston. They gave me a list of restaurant addresses where the Cheddar Bo Biscuit is available. And I give you the Cheddar Bo Biscuit locator map.
I suggest that, the next time you're cruising up I-95 through North Carolina and Virginia, you make time for a stop at Bojangles.
By the way, I made this map using MapAList, which I also endorse. I don't think you can turn a list of addresses into a Google map straight up, but MapAList made it easy.
**Update: There are a couple of reports of Cheddar Bo sightings west of Clinton in the comments. I don't doubt them, but I haven't confirmed them. A buddy of mine says you can get a Cheddar Bo in Athens, Georgia, now, and my brother says they're available at one Bojangles in Northwest metro Atlanta.
Very nice work. Our oldest son is named Parmesan Steve.
One-armed Steve. He'll grow up to be a bouncer.
until now, I have only had the Blue Bo Berry biscuits there. Believe me, if i see one of these, I will try it!
Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.
- Daniel
Had em, love em, want more of em....
They have Cheddar Bo's in Athens,GA. Love 'em! I thought all Bojangles had them until I asked for one in Atlanta. Imagine my disappointment when they didn't know what I was talking about. Thanks for the info.
I found your blog by googling Cheddar Bo Biscuits - really - and have to share that a friend of mine has long been committed to naming her son "Bo Potato" after a mishap recalling the name of Bonjangles' tater tots (Bo Rounds, of course).
Also? You're hilarious.
I named my dog Cheddabo out of respect. Not even kidding, search #cheddabo on IG. I live in Oregon and miss that biscuit so much it hurts!
FYI, we LOVE the Cheddar Bo Biscuit here in Tidewater Virginia and all 5 of our Bojangles'restaurants serve the Cheddar Bo, all day every day. Stop in for some BO TIME and get a delicious Cheddar BO Biscuit served with smile at these locations:)
3927 Victory Blvd Portsmouth, VA
3605 Bridge Rd. suffolk, VA
7519 Tidewater Drive Norfolk, VA
1948 Laskin Rd VA Beach, VA
3541 Holland Rd VA Beach
Had one in Greensboro, NC yesterday. I hear they will only be available until mid-March.
WOW! Try one you will love it, Randleman has them and was told they will continue to have them on the menu.
I am happy to report that the Cheddar Bo is now available at the Bo's of Winchester Rd. & Memorial Parkway (US-231/US-431) on the north side of Huntsville, AL. I wouldn't be surprised if the Univ. Drive location also has it, but I rarely go to that store.
I am even happier to report that it is just as fantastic as online reviewers have suggested. I will totally pay $1.89 repeatedly for more of these -- just... one at a time, because I do enjoy my heart function! XD
Use to have them in Enterprise, Al at the local Bojangles they were fabulous had one every morning before work! Bring them back please.
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